
All birthstones are gemstones and crystals

All birthstones are gemstones and crystals - and they are all purported to have powers. There is no better source of this information than The Crystal Bible.

I came into contact with this book first at a huge jewel and gem table at Pantheacon. Pantheacon pearl necklace jewelry is a huge pagan celebration where jewelry and gems are very important because it is believed that stones and jewels are very powerful. The woman who was selling the crystals and gems truly believes that they are very powerful, and every stone came with a description of what the stone delivered. When I asked her how she got the information she showed me an extremely well used copy of this book - in fact it was dog-eared and held together by tape.

The author of The Crystal Bible is Judy Hall, who is definitely the authority in the field of crystals and gems. British born Judy Hall is a psychic and karmic astrologer - and she has written more books about every aspects of all kinds of crystals than anyone else. Ms. Hall runs crystal healing workshops, uses crystals with her counselling and just basically is the go to person when it comes to rocks.

Mum loves her crystal owl, the crystal owl is about seven inches tall - much bigger than most of the owls I featured here. It is incredibly heavy of course, which is good because it is less likely to get knocked off the mantel piece when Pat is dusting round the house! It also proves it is lead crystal, rather than cheap glass or (horror of horrors) acrylic! These days a lot of acrylic gets sold as crystal.... no problem if you like acrylic figurines, but a little disappointing if you were expecting that special lifelike crystal owl figurine.MORE:black tahitian pearl earring

